1 min read

I Cannot Be Known

I cannot be

Better than you know me Your eyes in which we


Have made for my man's gleamA better fate than for the common nights Your eyes in which I

Have given to signs along the roadsA meaning alien to the earth In your eyes who reveal to

Our endless solitude Are no longer what they thought themselves to be You cannot be

Better than I know you.

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Paul Eluard

Paul Éluard, born Eugène Émile Paul Grindel; 14 December 1895 – 18 November 1952), was a French poet and one of the founders of the Surrealist m…

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Это уже очень подло и нечестно.. к сожалению, видимо, Россия не станет той страной, о которой я здесь так много писала..свободной и безопасной для всех людей.. а жаль.. 😞
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