2 мин

Just Another Sinner

The earth that spins beneath me,

And the sky that surrounds me,

The ruined alley and the picturesque view above it,

My cup of tea that spills upon the world, just like that,

It stains the alley but it is already ruined isn't it?

I'm just another sinner in the crowd being judged by the crowd,

The very same crowd crowning themselves with the titles,

Calling themselves, 

"Open minded",




And yet again they scold their boys saying, "Real men don't cry"

They "advise" their girls saying,

"Honey, I want you to marry a rich man, you are a woman and women don't go around acting all manly, do they?"

The earth that spins beneath me,

And the sky that surrounds me,

Sitting on the rooftop with a cup of tea in my hand,

Distancing myself from the sinners judging me for sinning,

I've learned how to enjoy my own company,

And I think you should too. :)

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