25 min read


IN yonder red-brick mansion, tight and square,

Just at the town's commencement, lives the mayor.

Some yards of shining gravel, fenced with box,

Lead to the painted portal--where one knocks :

There, in the left-hand parlour, all in state,

Sit he and she, on either side the grate.

But though their goods and chattels, sound and new,

Bespeak the owners very well to do,

His worship's wig and morning suit

Slight indications of an humbler day    That long, low shop, where still the name appears,

Some doors below, they kept for forty years :

And there, with various fortunes, smooth and rough,

They sold tobacco, coffee, tea, and snuff.

There labelled drawers display their spicy row--Clove, mace, and nutmeg : from the ceiling

Dangle long twelves and eights , and slender rush,

Mix'd with the varied forms of genus brush ;

Cask, firkin, bag, and barrel, crowd the floor,

And piles of country cheeses guard the door.

The frugal dames came in from far and near,

To buy their ounces and their quarterns here.

Hard was the toil, the profits slow to count,

And yet the mole-hill was at last a mount.

Those petty gains were hoarded day by day,

With little cost, for not a child had they ;

Till, long proceeding on the saving plan,

He found himself a warm, fore-handed man :

And being now arrived at life's decline,

Both he and she, they formed the bold design,(Although it touched their prudence to the quick)To turn their savings into stone and brick.

How many an ounce of tea and ounce of snuff,

There must have been consumed to make enough !    At length, with paint and paper, bright and gay,

The box was finished, and they went away.

But when their faces were no longer

Amongst the canisters of black and green ,--Those well-known faces, all the country round--'Twas said that had they levelled to the

The two old walnut trees before the door,

The customers would not have missed them more.

Now, like a pair of parrots in a cage,

They live, and civic honours crown their age :

Thrice, since the Whitsuntide they settled there,

Seven years ago, has he been chosen mayor ;

And now you'd scarcely know they were the same ;

Conscious he struts, of power, and wealth, and fame ;

Proud in official dignity, the dame :

And extra stateliness of dress and mien,

During the mayoralty, is plainly seen ;

With nicer care bestowed to puff and

The august lappet that contains her chin.    Such is her life ; and, like the wise and great,

The mind has journeyed hand in hand with fate :

Her thoughts, unused to take a longer

Than from the left-hand counter to the right,

With little change, are vacillating still,

Between his worship's glory, and the till.

The few ideas moving, slow and dull,

Across the sandy desert of her skull,

Still the same course must follow, to and fro,

As first they traversed three-score years ago ;

From whence, not all the world could turn them back,

Or lead them out upon another track.

What once was right or wrong, or high or

In her opinion, always must be so :--You might, perhaps, with reasons new and pat,

Have made Columbus think the world was flat ;

There might be times of energy worn out,

When his own theory would Sir Isaac doubt ;

But not the powers of argument combined,

Could make this dear good woman change her mind,

Or give her intellect the slightest

To that vast world of things she never knew.

Were but her brain dissected, it would

Her stiff opinions fastened in a row,

Ranged duly, side by side, without a gap,

Much like the plaiting on her Sunday cap.    It is not worth our while, but if it were,

We all could undertake to laugh at her ;

Since vulgar prejudice, the lowest kind,

Of course, has full possession of her mind ;

Here, therefore, let us leave her, and

Wherein it differs as it rises higher.    --As for the few who claim distinction here,

The little gentry of our narrow sphere,

Who occupy a safe enclosure,

Completely inaccessible to trade,

Where, 'tis a trespass on forbidden ground,

If any foot plebeian pass the bound ;--Wide as the distance that we choose to

For pride, precedence, and for custom's sake,

Yet philosophic eyes (though passing fine)Could scarcely ascertain the boundary line ;

So that, if any should be found at all,

The difference must be infinitely small.

The powdered matron, who for many a

Has held her mimic routs and parties here,(Exchanging just the counter, scales, and

For cups of coffee, scandal, and quadrille)Could boast nor range of thought, nor views of life,

Much more extended than our grocer's wife.

Although her notions may be better drest,

They are but vulgar notions at the best,--Mere petrifactions, formed as time runs by,

Hard and unmalleable, and dull and dry,

Ne'er to the test of truth and reason brought,--Opinions made by habit, not by thought.    Then let inquiry rise, with sudden flight,

To reason's utmost intellectual height ;

Where native powers, with culture high combined,

Present the choicest specimen of mind.--Those minds that stand from all mankind aloof,

To smile at folly, or dispense reproof ;

Enlarged, excursive, reason soars away,

And breaks the shackles that confine its sway :

Their keen, dissecting, penetrating view,

Searches poor human nature through and through ;

But while they notice all the forms absurd,

That prejudice assumes among the herd,

And every nicer variation see,

Theirs lies in thinking that themselves are free.    There is a science reason cannot teach ;

It lies beyond the depth her line can reach ;

It is but taught by Heaven's imparted grace,

The feet of Jesus is the only place ;

And they who mental riches largely share,

But seldom stoop to seek their wisdom there.'Not many mighty' in His train appear ;

The simple poor adorn it best ;--and here,

While prejudice the mental sight

Of vulgar minds,--'tis like a beam in theirs.    Religion, as in common course professed,

Is first a question with them, then a jest :

Quick to discern the ludicrous and base,

With which blind votaries have deformed her face,

Errors, abuses, creeds imposed by man,

Are undistinguished from the Scripture plan.

Rome's proud ambition, tyranny, and fraud,

The Christian standard's bloody deeds abroad,

Priestcraft, the same in every age and clime,

From earliest record to the present time,

Contending parties' never-dying strife,

Each calling vengeance on the other's life,

The wretched hypocrite,--the wild

Of blind fanatics,--the enthusiast's dream,

The lives of those who bear the Christian name,--Of this, of all, religion bears the blame ;

Though these are men who most reject its sway,

And know as little what it means as they.

There's not a wolf within the church's fold,

But what the Bible has itself foretold ;

Yet these triumphantly are brought to view,

To prove that word of prophecy untrue.    A cold acknowledgment of one Supreme,

Avoids, they argue, every wide extreme ;

And this, if made by Christian,

Turk, or Jew,

Is all the same in His impartial view.

But all beyond their rational

Of distant homage to the Deity,--A firm attachment to the truth revealed ,(Truth which with blood the Lord of glory sealed)Zeal to obey, as well as to adore,--Is vulgar prejudice, and nothing more.

Thus, christian service, spiritual and free,

They class (with pleased and proud complacency)With rights impure that pagan India boasts,

The blood-dyed Koran, and the idol hosts ;

The cross, perhaps, held up with least respect,

The hated symbol of the hated sect :

That seal which marks it Heaven's appointed way,

They caring nor to read, nor to obey,--That whoso names that name, must first

From all iniquity of life and heart.    Or, should the Christian code from all the

Be singled out, and owned to be the best,

The same keen shafts of ridicule are

Against its spirit, and its true intent.

Of all that gives it energy bereft,

There are but some mere scraps of ethics left,

Scarce more enlightened than were heard to

From Socrates and Plato long ago :

As though, had Scripture never solved a doubt,

We might have managed vastly well without.    Religion's nature, and its worth, are

To those by whom it is possessed alone.

The Christian's aims and motives, simple, grand,

The wisest worldlings cannot understand :

Those views which worldly principles condemn,

Are so incomprehensible to them,

That they, unanimous in self defence,

Pronounce them mere delusion or pretence ;

And prejudice (a favourite word)

All that still unaccounted for remains.    Mid the strong course of passion's wonted sway,

What makes the wicked man forsake his way ?

Conquers the habits years had rooted in,

All fear subduing, but the fear of sin ?

And him who toiled for earthly bliss, arise,

Leave all, and lay up treasure in the skies ?

These are phenomena that, strange to say,

Religion is presenting every day ;

Changes, which they who witness dare not doubt,

Though little heard of by the world without.

The man now goes rejoicing on his way,

With inward peace, and cheerful, though not gay ;

Unseen the motives that his path define ;

His life is hidden, though his graces shine.

He walks through life's distracting changes now,

With even pace, and with an even brow ;

Hears the vain world's tumultuous hue and cry,

Just turns his head, and passes calmly by ;

Yet takes his cheerful share when duty draws,

And still is foremost found in mercy's cause.    What works this strange philosophy in him,

Is it misanthropy, or merely whim ?

No ; 'tis the glowing, present sense he

Of things invisible, which faith reveals.

And should the man thus walking with his God,

Be one unpolished as the valley's clod,

Should all his science but amount to this,--To loathe iniquity, and long for bliss ?

This is not prejudice--or if it be,'Twere well if all were prejudiced as he !    But things to come--the vast unfathomed state,

To which death opens instantly the gate,--Although the thought of that expected change,

Affords the finest intellectual range,

Although that change must soon become our lot,

Whether the subject suit our taste or not,

Although objectors cannot well reply,

That 'tis a vulgar prejudice to die,--The subject seems (howe'er it came to pass)Avoided much by this enlightened class.    All other themes, whose tendencies

To add to our accommodation here,

Every contrivance of contriving

To make a pleasant three-score years and ten,--Inventions and improvements, whether

In science, commerce, agriculture, trade,

The arts, belles lettres , politics, finance,

Their value is acknowledged at a glance ;

And these are studied, patronised, and taught,

With active diligence,--and so they ought.

But since a moment may--some moment must Consign our interest in them all to dust,

Has not the business of the world to come,

Mid all our thoughts, at least a claim to some ?

But these are things mysterious and obscure,

Not tangible, and rational, and sure ;'Tis such a vague untenable expanse :--In short, they mean to wait, and take their chance.    Could you but show by demonstration clear,

How forms and things invisible appear ;

Produce your apparatus, bright and clean,

And try experiments on things unseen ;

Rare specimens, in due assortment bring,

Of seraph's eyes, and slips of angel's wing,

Or metaphysic air-pumps work, to showA disembodied soul in vacuo ;

Then 'twere a study worthy of

With any other branch of modern science.

But mere assertion of a future state,

By unknown writers, at a distant date,

If this be all its advocates advance,

It is but superstition and romance.    Thus, mental pride, unsubject to control ;

To God a secret enmity of soul ;

That stubbornness which scorns to yield

To aught unfounded on experiment ;

A wretched clinging to the present state,

That loathes to dwell on things beyond its date ;

That dread of death which ne'er the thought pursues,

And which the Christian's hope alone subdues,--Combine a veil of prejudice to

Between dark reason and the light of grace ;--A prejudice as hopeless as can

The meanest, most illiterate of mankind.    Would that the films of error were

But by the vulgar worldling, or the proud !

But this distemper of the moral

Never affects it more inveterately,

Than when the false of prejudice's

Is intermingled with a little true .

And hence, the conscientious and sincere,

Who know essential truth, and hold it dear,

If education (as she doubtless can)Have formed their souls upon the narrow plan,

Permit no notion from its nook to stir ;

Most obstinately certain--where they err.

Thus are opinions, as received in youth,

Wedged down immovably with slips of truth ;

Assured of part, they deem the whole is right ;

And what astonishment it would excite,

Should any have the boldness to allege,

That all is rubbish but the golden wedge !--'Tis pity, for the sceptic world

Produce the error to confirm their doubt,

Therefore refuse the sterling to behold ;

And thus the rubbish tarnishes the gold.    There is a tender, captivating

Which certain views on certain objects throw :

Taste, and poetic feeling, range aloneA fairy world exclusively their own ;

And delicacies gather that arise,

Where'er they turn, unseen by vulgar eyes.

Their dainty aliment serenely

On every breeze--they live like gnats on motes.

There they might safely, innocently stray ;

But when they come and stand in Reason's way,

They blind her views, demean her princely air,

And do more mischief than their smiles repair.

Why she their interference should restrain,

A simple instance shall at once explain.

When Paul the walks of beauteous Athens trod,

To point its children to their 'unknown God,'If some refined Athenian, passing by,

Heard that new doctrine, how would he reply ?

Regarding first, with polished, scornful smile,

The stranger's figure and unclassic style,

Perceiving then the argument was

Against the gods of his establishment,

He need but cast his tutored eye around,

And in that glance he has an answer found :--Altars and theatres, and sacred groves,

Temples and deities where'er it roves,

Each long perspective that the eye pervades,

Peopled with heroes, thickening as it fades;

Those awful forms that hold their silent sway,

Matchless in grace, while ages roll away;

There, softly blending with the evening shade,

Less light and less, the airy colonnade ;

Here, in magnificence of Attic grace,

Minerva's Temple, rising from its base ;

Its spotless marble forming to the eyeA ghostly outline on the deep-blue sky :--'Enough--the doctrine that would

These forms of beauty cannot be divine.'Thus taste would, doubtless, intercept his

Of that 'strange thing,' which after all--was true.    When Luther's sun arose, to chase

The 'dim religious light' of Romish day,

Opposing, only, to the mellow

Of gold and gems that deck the papal chair,

And each imposing pageant of the church,

Good sense, plain argument, and sound research ;--Here taste, again, would prove a dangerous guide,

And raise a prejudice on error's side.--Behold the slow procession move along !

The Pontiff's blessing on the prostrate throng ;

The solemn service, and the anthem loud,

The altar's radiance on the kneeling crowd :--Or seek, at summons of the convent bell,

Deep, sacred shades, where fair recluses dwell ;

See the long train of white-robed sisters come,

Appearing now--now lost amid the gloom,

Chanting shrill vespers in the twilight dim,

The plaintive music of the Virgin's hymn :--Then would not taste and fancy join the

Against the rude, barbarian heresy,

That sought those sacred walls to overthrow,

And rend the veil from that seducing show ?

And yet, according to our present light,

That barbarous, tasteless heretic--was right.    It might not be convenient had we

To carry this reflection further on.--But whether, mid the faint and foggy ray,

Of ages past, or at the present day,

Truth's native lustre ever must

When human art attempts to make it shine :--Truth is too strong to need the proffered

Of human feebleness to make it stand.    Inveterate prejudice, infirm and blind,

May take possession of an honest mind :

Though weakly yielding to its stubborn sway,'Tis not determined to be led astray.

But is there not a sin that must not claim,

Though near of kindred, such a gentle name ?

A daring sin, that comes with open face,

To rear its standard in the holy place ?

E'en from that day, when some would fain

The works of those who followed not with them,

And for that early spark of party

Received reproof designed for every age,

Down to the present noisy moment, when'Tis spirting from the tip of many a pen,--E'en from that day to this, with ceaseless reign,

Has party spirit been the church's bane.    Then, let the verse trace clearly as it can,

The finer features of the party man.

By birth, connexion, interest, pride, or taste,

On one or other side we find him placed ;

No matter which, nor is there need to say,

For there he is--and there he means to stay.

That point decided, 'tis his second

To find a reason for his being there ;

Some reason that may make a brave

Against assaults from truth and common sense ;--Supposing for the present, that his

Is not exactly tenable all round.    He, not contented like the vulgar

To take his creed on other people's word,

And urged amain, by intellectual pride,

To prove he is not on the weaker side,

His choisest stores of wit and fancy draws,

To prop and beautify the needy cause :

And well do wit and fancy suit their end,

Who seek not to examine , but defend.

His is no simple scrupulous mistake,

Like the weak brother, wrong for conscience' sake ;

But prejudice, in him, has had to bindA knowing, subtle, and enlightened mind.

Hence, at each step, he has to bear

The secret consciousness of something wrong ;

But that suspicion, unavowed of course,

Serves but to nerve his arm with triple force ;

Provokes his zeal to lend its utmost aid,

And gives the edge of keenness to his blade.    His mind is formed, as though 'twere nature's

To cut him out to be a party man,

And send him down, in pity, to his post,

As foremost champion of the weaker host :

Not of that grander, philosophic tone,

That lets all party littleness alone ;

But keen, sagacious, armed for quick reply,

And, though not visible to every eye,

Nor from his courteous manner to be guessed--A dash of gall and wormwood in his breast.

Yet, every harsher quality is

With wit and learning, eloquence and taste ;

Yes--and as charity delights to say,

Much self deceived, and hoping that he may,

While gratifying self, and party spleen,

Squeeze in some love to God and man between.

A show of candour too, at times, is lent,

To add its lustre to his argument :

To those who advocate the favorite notion,

It flows as wide as the Atlantic Ocean ;

But towards the heretic who turns it over,

About as narrow as the straits of Dover.    It seems too much for either side to

The right in every contest, if in most :

Yet our true partizan from none withdraws,

But lends his talents out to every cause.

Each new encounter prompt to undertake,

Asking no questions first for conscience' sake :'Tis not for him the right and wrong to sift,

Enough to know his party wants a lift ;

And, though so hazardous none other can,

He boldly takes the field with--'I'm your man !'    And thus he dares the controversial fray ;

Though careful, first of all, to clear awayA little rubbish, till he finds a

Just broad enough to set his foot upon.

On that one stone he loudly stamps, to

How firm a standing-place it is,

Should he advance a step, or step retire,

He plunges all at once knee-deep in mire.

If thence beat off by some opposing band,

He finds some neighbouring jutment where to stand ;

There followed, seeks the old support amain,

Driv'n off anew--anew slips back again.draft board may exemplify the thing ;

When chased from post to post, one hapless king,

At length, betakes him to--by marches short,

The double corner as his last resort ;

Where long, from square to square he bravely courses,

And stands his ground though robbed of all his forces.    Meantime, he trusts the checks his arms

But few will hear of--fewer still believe ;

Hopes the dry record will be little sought ;

And feels a Jesuit-pleasure at the thought.

It seems the choicest secret of his art,

To ward invasion from the weaker part ;

To veil all blemishes, and make the

Of what he has, or thinks he has, to boast.

Of full exposure more than all afraid,

He trusts to neat manoeuvres to

That thorough search, in every hole and nook,

Which unencumbered truth alone can brook ;

And labours hard, by hiding all the traces,

To intimate that there are no such places.

His fairest movements seem to wear disguise ;

His plans are rather politic than wise ;

Not to elicit truth, but o'er the

To spread a plausible and specious gloss,

But he, who finds it needful, on his part,

To ply the mean artillery of art,

And sharpen every arrow that he draws,

May well suspect the soundness of his cause.

Suspect he may,--but vain that lucid doubt,

Devoid of nobleness to search it out.--Between the man on controversial ground,

Panting for truth wherever it be found,

And him who does but seek it on one side,

There lies a gulf immeasurably wide.    Two brother sportsmen, on a blithsome morn,

Obey the summons of the inspiring horn :

One, predetermined to pursue the

Within the limits of a certain space ;

The other, glowing with the bold intent,

Lead where it may, to follow up the scent.--They start the hare--and after many a

Doubling and winding on file aforesaid ground,

She leaps the fence and gains the neighbouring mead ;

At which our doughty sportsman checks his steed ;

Rather than follow boldly on to that,

He stays behind the hedge--and starts a cat ;

Pursues poor puss with vast advantage thence,

And has brave sport within his blessed fence.--Then having clipt and trimmed her, here and there,

Assures the world that he has caught the hare ;

And should his sporting friends confirm the lie,

Ere there is time to ask the reason why,

A hare--though common sense should stand appalled--She was, is now, and ever shall be called.    Meantime, the brother sportsman does not

To chase his victim over hill and dale ;

The five-barred gate, tall rampart, hedge and ditch,

Alike to him--he leaps, and cares not

At length he sees,--nor sees without dismay,

The pack strike off an unexpected way ;

The path they take, by tact unerring shown,

Must cross a fine enclosure of his own ;

The fair plantation, on his favorite grounds,

Is rudely torn and trampled by the hounds :

Safe from attack the sheltered spot appeared ;

His fathers raised it, and himself revered :

Though startled, he disdains to call them back,

But leaps, and follows the sagacious pack ;

Tramples the ground himself, with noble pride,

And hears the death-cry on the other side ;

Secures his prey--content to bear the shame,

If such it be,--for he has got the game.     Interest its secret bias may impart,

When least suspected, to an upright heart :

But when a creed and worldly views unite,

Where interest is the only rule of right ;

Where loaves and fishes--all our goodly

Depend on people's thinking so and so ;

What pompous, loud, declamatory wrath,

The mere expression of a doubt calls forth !

The weight of argument is balanced here,

Against so many thousand pounds a year ;--What dreadful, dangerous heresy is taught !

It must be silenced--will not bear a thought !    Is party spirit, therefore, only

In one enclosure of disputed ground ?

No ; while Nathaniels stand on either

The boundary lines that differing sects divide,

Unchristian tempers every form may take,

And truth itself be loved for party's sake.    The man whom conscience, less than mental pride,

Early enlisted on the opposing side,

Proves that the flames of an unhallowed fire,

Not love to God and man, his zeal inspire.--Pleased, proud to differ, eloquent to

The lesser doctrines that enlarge the breach,

In bold defiance of the christian rule,

Says to his brother, 'raca,' and 'thou fool ;'Or vainly hopes to violate its laws,

Beneath the sanction of a righteous cause.

Rejoiced, not grieved in spirit, to

Abuses thicken in the neighbouring fold ;

And doubting, grudging, backward to

That any sheep within that pasture feed.

Intent his controversial shafts to draw,

Omits the weightier matters of the law ;

Wont more on points of party strife to dwell,

Than emulous to save a soul from hell.

Yet,--if his soul be free from wilful guile,

Believes he does God service all the while.

But oh ! the darkest candidate for bliss,

Who seeking that, spares not a thought for this,

Though much encumbered should his notions be,

Is safer, happier, nearer Heaven than he.    Come, let us rise from party's noisy sphere,

To trace an honest mind in its career ;

And see how far true greatness spreads its

Above the cleverness of party spite.

He, from the regions of a calmer day,

Hears the faint clamour of the distant fray :

Hears but to pity--while in tranquil

He holds his course in happy solitude.

Truth his sole object, this, with simple aim,

He follows, caring little for the name ;

Not with the poor intent to make her

And wave his party's ensign in her hand,

Mocking his neighbour's pitiful mistake ;

But for her own invaluable sake.    That is the truly philosophic mind,

Which no inferior influence can bind ;

Which all endeavours to confine were vain,

Though the earth's orbit were its length of chain.--But not that boldness which delights to

From what our fathers taught, for license' sake,

Through all dry places wandering, still in quest,

Like lawless fiends, of some unhallowed rest ;--The love of truth is genuine, when

With unaffected humbleness of mind.

He values most, who feels with sense

His own deep interest in the grand pursuit ;

Who heaven-ward spreads his undiverted wing,

Godly simplicity the moving spring.

No meaner power can regulate his flight,

Too much is staked upon his going right.

Dry, heartless speculation may succeed,

Where the sole object is to frame a creed ;

The sophist's heart may suit their eager quest,

Who only aim to prove their creed the best ;

But not such views his anxious search control,

Who loves the truth because he loves his soul.

Truth is but one with Heaven, in his esteem,

The sparkling spring of life's eternal stream ;

And hence, with equal singleness of heart,

He traces out each less essential part :

No worldly motives can his views entice ;

He parts with all to gain the pearl of price.    Why is opinion, singly as it stands,

So much inherited like house and lands ?

Whence comes it that from sire to son it goes,

Like a dark eye-brow or a Roman nose ?

How comes it, too, that notions, wrong or right,

Which no direct affinities unite,

On every side of party ground, one sees,

Clung close together like a swarm of bees ?

Where one is held, through habit, form, or force,

The rest are all consented to of course,

As though combined by some interior plot ;

Is it necessity, or chance, or what ?

Where'er the undiscovered cause be sought,

No man would trace its origin to thought :

Then shall we say, with leave of Dr.


It comes to pass from thinking not at all ?    Though man a thinking being is defined,

Few use the grand prerogative of mind :

How few think justly of the thinking few !

How many never think, who think they do !

Opinion, therefore--such our mental dearth--Depends on mere locality or birth.

Hence, the warm tory, eloquent and

With loyal zeal, had he been born a whig,

Would rave for liberty with equal flame,

No shadow of distinction but the name.


Christian bigots, 'neath the pagan cloud,

Had roared for 'great Diana' just as loud ;

Or, dropped at Rome, at Mecca, or Pekin,

For Fo , the prophet, or the man of sin,    Much of the light and soundness of our creed,

Whate'er it be, depends on what we read.

How many clamour loudly for their way,

Who never heard what others have to say :

Fixt where they are, determined to be right,

They fear to be disturbed by further light ;

And where the voice of argument is heard,

Away they run, and will not hear a word.

Form notions vague, and gathered up by chance,

Or mere report, of what you might advance ;

Resolve the old frequented path to tread,

And still to think as they were born and bred.    Besides this blind devotion to a

Custom produces much the same effect.

Our desks with piles of controversy groan ;

But still, alas ! each party's with its own,

Each deems his logic must conviction bring,

If people would but read ;--but there's the thing !

The sermons, pamphlets, papers, books, reviews,

That plead our own opinions, we peruse ;

And these alone--as though the plan had

To rivet all our prejudices in.'Tis really droll to see how people's shelves,

Go where you will, are labelled like themselves.

Ask if your neighbour--he whose party tone,

Polemic, or political, is known--Sees such a publication--naming

That takes a different side, or sides with none ;

And straight in flat, uncomfortable-wise,

That damps all further mention, he replies,'No, sir, we do not see that work--I

Its general views ;--we take in so and so.'Thus each retains his notions, every one ;

Thus they descend complete from sire to son ;

And hence, the blind contempt so freely

For every one's opinions but our own.

How oft from public or from private pique,

Conscience and truth are not allowed to speak :

Reasons might weigh that now are quite forgot,

If such a man or party urged them not ;

But oh, what logic strong enough can be,

To prove that they have clearer views than we !     In times like ours, 'twere wise if people

Well scrutinize their zeal for doing good.

A few plain questions might suffice, to

What flows from party--what from christian love.--Our prayers are heard--some Mussulman, at

Forsakes his prophet--some Hindoo his caste ;

Accepts a Saviour, and avows the choice ;

How glad we are, how much our hearts rejoice !

The news is told and echoed, till the tale,

Howe'er reviving, almost waxes stale.--A second convert Gospel grace allures--Oh, but this time he was not ours but yours ;

It came to pass we know not when or how ;

Well, are we quite as glad and thankful now ?

Or can we scarce the rising wish suppress,

That we were honoured with the whole success ?    There is an eye that marks the ways of men,

With strict, impartial, analyzing ken :

Our motley creeds, our crude opinions,

All, all unveiled to that omniscient eye.

He sees the softest shades by error thrown ;

Marks where His truth is left to shine alone ;

Decides with most exact, unerring skill,

Wherein we differ from His word and will.

No specious names nor reasonings to His view,

The false can varnish, or deform the true ;

Nor vain excuses e'er avail, to

The right of theory for the wrong of deed.

Before that unembarrassed, just survey,

What heaps of refuse must be swept away ;

How must its search from every creed

All but the golden grains of truth and love !

Yet, with compassion for our feeble powers,

For oh !

His thoughts and ways are not as ours.    --There is a day, in flaming terrors bright,

When truth and error shall be brought to light.

Who then shall rise, amid the shining throng,

To boast that he was right, and you were wrong ?

When each rejoicing saint shall veil his face,

And none may triumph, but in glorious grace !

No meaner praise shall heavenly tongues employ :

Yet, they shall reap the more abundant joy,

Who sought His truth, with simple, humble

To do His will, and glorify His name.

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Jane Taylor

Jane Taylor (23 September 1783 – 13 April 1824) was an English poet and novelist. She wrote the words to the song "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star…

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Если это можно назвать сталкингом, то я пережила вот такой момент, Слава Богу без жести..
Это уже очень подло и нечестно.. к сожалению, видимо, Россия не станет той страной, о которой я здесь так много писала..свободной и безопасной для всех людей.. а жаль.. 😞
Не должно быть сейчас никакой смертной казни. Я сама уже больше 10 лет переживаю травлю с угрозами разными расправами, и смертной казнью в том числе, только мне не пишут, а говорят на словах. (пост прерывается рекламой читайте до конца).
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