2 мин


(And I,

I am no longer of that world)Naked, he lies in the blinded roomchainsmoking, cradled by drugs, by jazzas never by any lover's cradling flesh.

Miles Davis coolly blows for him:

O pena negra, sensual Flamenco blues;the red clay foxfire voice of Lady Day(lady of the pure black magnolias)sobsings her sorrow and loss and fare you well,dryweeps the pain his treacherous jailershave released him from for a while.

His fears and his unfinished selfawait him down in the anywhere streets.

He hides on the dark side of the moon,takes refuge in a stained-glass cell,flies to a clockless country of crystal.

Only the ghost of Lady Day knows wherehe is.  Only the music.  And he swingsoh swings:  beyond complete immortal now.


Robert Hayden

Robert Hayden (August 4, 1913 – February 25, 1980) was an American poet, essayist, and educator. He served as Consultant in Poetry to the Librar…

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