2 мин

I must remember now

I must remember now how once I woke To find the harsh lamplight stream upon her bed,

The ceiling tremble in its giddy smoke,

And on the wall the agile spider spread,

To hear the reverberate vault of silence shake Beneath the hollow crash of midnight's toil,

Whose profound strokes waned impotent to break The charnel stillness of the city's soul.

These I remember, but would more forget What is most fixed, whereby I am undone,

How white, how still you lay, though shuddering yet In the last luxury of oblivion,

As if of Death you had taken love long denied,

With on your face the bliss of suicide.


Robert Nichols

Robert Malise Bowyer Nichols (6 September 1893 – 17 December 1944) was an English writer, known as a war poet of the First World War, and a play…

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