2 min read

The Preparative

My Body being Dead, my Limbs unknown;

Before I skilled [sic] to prize Those living Stars mine Eyes,

Before my Tongue or Cheeks were to me shown,

Before I knew my Hands were mine,

Or that my Sinews did my Members join,

When neither Nostril,

Foot, nor Ear,

As yet was seen, or felt, or did appear;

I was within A House I knew not, newly clothed with Skin.

Then was my Soul my only All to me,

A Living Endless Eye,

Far wider than the Sky Whose Power, whose Act, whose Essence was to see.

I was an Inward Sphere of Light,

Or an Interminable Orb of Sight,

An Endless and a Living Day,

A vital Sun that round about did ray All Life and Sense,

A Naked Simple Pure Intelligence.

I then no Thirst nor Hunger did conceive,

No dull Necessity,

No Want was Known to me;

Without Disturbance then I did

The fair Ideas of all Things,

And had the Honey even without the Stings.

A Meditating Inward Eye Gazing at Quiet did within me lie,

And every

Delighted me that was their Heavenly King.

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Thomas Traherne

Thomas Traherne (1636 or 1637 – c. 27 September 1674) was an English poet, clergyman, theologian, and religious writer. The intense, scholarly s…

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