2 мин

Pa Did It!

The train of cars that Santa brought is out of kilter now;

While pa was showing how they went he broke the spring somehow.

They used to run around a track—at least they did when

Would let me take them in my hands an' wind 'em with a key.

I could 'a' had some fun with 'em, if only they would go,

But, gee!

I never had a chance, for pa enjoyed em so.

The automobile that I got that ran around the

Was lots of fun when it was new, but it won't go no more.

Pa wound it up for Uncle Jim to show him how it went,

And when those two got through with it the runnin' gear was bent,

An' now it doesn't go at all.

I mustn't grumble though,'Cause while it was in shape to run my pa enjoyed it so.

I've got my blocks as good as new, my mitts are perfect yet;

Although the snow is on the ground I haven't got em wet.

I've taken care of everything that Santa brought to me,

Except the toys that run about when wound up with a key.

But next year you can bet I won't make any such mistake;

I'm going to ask for toys an' things that my pa cannot break.

This version taken from Just Folks by Edgar A

Published by The Reilly & Lee Co.,


Pages 74-75


Edgar Albert Guest

Edgar Albert Guest (20 August 1881 – 5 August 1959) was a British-born American poet who was popular in the first half of the 20th century and b…

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