3 min read


Troy Town is covered up with weeds,

The rabbits and the pismires

On broken gold, and shards, and

Where Priam's ancient palace stood.

The floors of many a gallant

Are matted with the roots of grass;

The glow-worm and the nimble

Among her ruins flit and pass.

And there, in orts of blackened bone,

The widowed Trojan beauties lie,

And Simois babbles over

And waps and gurgles to the sky.

Once there were merry days in Troy,

Her chimneys smoked with cooking meals,

The passing chariots did

The sunning housewives at their wheels.

And many a lovely Trojan

Set Trojan lads to lovely things;

The game of life was nobly played,

They played the game like Queens and Kings.

So that, when Troy had greatly

In one red roaring fiery coal,

The courts the Grecians

Became a city in the soul.

In some green island of the sea,

Where now the shadowy coral

In pride and pomp and

The courts of old Atlantis rose.

In many a glittering house of

The Atlanteans wandered there;

The paleness of their faces

Like ivory, so pale they were.

And hushed they were, no noise of

In those bright cities ever rang;

Only their thoughts, like golden birds,

About their chambers thrilled and sang.

They knew all wisdom, for they

The souls of those Egyptian

Who learned, in ancient Babilu,

The beauty of immortal things.

They knew all beauty -- when they

The air chimed like a stricken lyre,

The elemental birds were wrought,

The golden birds became a fire.

And straight to busy camps and

The singing flames were swiftly gone;

The trembling leaves of human

Hid boughs for them to perch upon.

And men in desert places,

Abandoned, broken, sick with fears,

Rose singing, swung their swords agen,

And laughed and died among the spears.

The green and greedy seas have

That city's glittering walls and towers,

Her sunken minarets are

With red and russet water-flowers.

In towers and rooms and golden

The shadowy coral lifts her sprays;

The scrawl hath gorged her broken orts,

The shark doth haunt her hidden ways.

But, at the falling of the tide,

The golden birds still sing and gleam,

The Atlanteans have not died,

Immortal things still give us dream.

The dream that fires man's heart to make,

To build, to do, to sing or sayA beauty Death can never take,

An Adam from the crumbled clay.

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John Masefield

John Edward Masefield OM (/ˈmeɪsˌfiːld, ˈmeɪz-/; 1 June 1878 – 12 May 1967) was an English poet and writer, and Poet Laureate from 1930 until 19…

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