Nobody knows what I feel about FreddyI cannot make anyone understandI love him sub specie aet ernitatiesI love him out of hand.
I don't love him so much in the restaurants that's a
To get him hobnob with my old pub chums needs too much
He don't love them and they don't love
In the pub lub lights they say Freddy very dim.
But get him alone on the open
Where the sea licks up to the
He is his and my own heart's
World without end ahem.
People who say we ought to get married ought to getsmacked:
Why should we do it when we can't afford it and haveourselves whacked?
Thank you kind friends and relations thank you,
We do very well as we do.
Oh what do I care for the pub lub
And the friends I love so well-There's more in the way I feel about
Than a friend cal tell.
But all the same I don't care much for his meelyoo I meanI don't anheimate mich in the ha-ha well-off suburban
Where men are few and hearts go
In the tennis club lub lights poet very dumb.
But there never was a boy like
For a haystack's ivory tower of
Where speaking sub specie
Freddy and me can kiss.
Exhiled from his
Exhiled from
There's all Tom Tiddler's time
For his love and mine.