1 min read

Give Me Leave to Rail at You

Give me leave to rail at you, -I ask nothing but my due:

To call you false, and then to

You shall not keep my heart a day.

But alas! against my willI must be your captive still.

Ah! be kinder, then, for

Cannot change, and would not die.

Kindness has resistless charms;

All besides but weakly move;

Fiercest anger it disarms,

And clips the wings of flying love.

Beauty does the heart invade,

Kindness only can persuade;

It gilds the lover's servile chain,

And makes the slave grow pleased again.

Give Award

Lord John Wilmot

Lord John Wilmot. 1 апреля 1647 — 26 июля 1680. Один из наиболее значительных английских поэтов эпохи Реставрации. Известен главным образом как …

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