2 min read


The Man Closing Up," from Night Light" (1967), would make his bed,

If he could sleep on it.

He would make his bed with white

And disappear into the white,

Like a man diving,

If he could be

That the

Would not keep him awake,

The light that

To the vision of life's journey: from "Sestina on Six Words by Weldon Kees"There is no way to ease the burden.

The voyage leads on from harm to harm,

A land of others and of silence."The Miami of Other Days" The winter streets an orchestra of

And gods slept under tabernacle

That sprang up overnight on circus

Like giant toadstools yearning for respectability.

In a portrait of himself at age seven he writes :sometimes he would squat among the foul weeds of the vacant lot,

Waiting for dusk and someone dear to

And whip him down the street, but gently, home."Poem to Be Read at 3 A.

M."Excepting the

On the

The town of

At 3 A.


Was dark

For my

And up

One second story roomA single light.

A more recent poem on the Great Depression shows his cynical side:

Agriculture embraced Industry,

Mammothly, on public walls.

Meanwhile we camped out

Great smiles on billboards fading.

How shall I speak of Doom, and ours in special,

But as of something altogether common ?

Give Award

Donald Justice

(August 12, 1925 – August 6, 2004) was an American teacher of writing and poet who won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1980. In summing up Just…

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