1 мин

Sonnet XXXV


I have done.

My heart weighs.

I am sad.

The outer day, void statue of lit blue,

Is altogether outward, other,

At mere being not-I (so my aches construe).

I, that have failed in everything,

Nothing this hour but that I have bewailed,

For in the general fate what is't to fail?

Why, fate being past for Fate, 'tis but to have failed.

Whatever hap-or stop, what matters it,

Sith to the mattering our will bringeth nought?

With the higher trifling let us world our wit,

Conscious that, if we do't, that was the lot  The regular stars bound us to, when they stood  Godfathers to our birth and to our blood.


Fernando Pessoa

Fernando António Nogueira Pessoa (13 June 1888 – 30 November 1935) was a Portuguese poet, writer, literary critic, translator, publisher and phi…

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