2 min read

The Odyssey

AS one that for a weary space has lain  Lull'd by the song of Circe and her wine  In gardens near the pale of Proserpine,

Where that Aeaean isle forgets the main,

And only the low lutes of love complain,  And only shadows of wan lovers pine—  As such an one were glad to know the

Salt on his lips, and the large air again—So gladly from the songs of modern speech  Men turn, and see the stars, and feel the free    Shrill wind beyond the close of heavy flowers,    And through the music of the languid

They hear like Ocean on a western beach  The surge and thunder of the Odyssey.

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Andrew Lang

Andrew Lang (31 March 1844 – 20 July 1912) was a Scottish poet, novelist, literary critic, and contributor to the field of anthropology. He is b…

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