2 min read

The House That Was

Of the old house, only a few, crumbled Courses of brick, smothered in nettle and dock,

Or a shaped stone lying mossy where it tumbled!

Sprawling bramble and saucy thistle mock What once was fire-lit floor and private charm,

Whence, seen in a windowed picture, were hills fading At night, and all was memory-coloured and warm,

And voices talked, secure of the wind's invading.

Of the old garden, only a stray shining Of daffodil flames among April's Cuckoo-flowers Or clustered aconite, mixt with weeds entwining!

But, dark and lofty, a royal cedar towers By homelier thorns; and whether the rain drifts Or sun scortches, he holds the downs in ken,

The western vales; his branchy tiers he lifts,

Older than many a generation of men.

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Robert Laurence Binyon

Robert Laurence Binyon, CH (10 August 1869 – 10 March 1943) was an English poet, dramatist and art scholar. Born in Lancaster, England, his pare…

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