2 min read

Winter Evening

The storm wind covers the

Whirling the fleecy snow drifts,

Now it howls like a wolf,

Now it is crying, like a lost child,

Now rustling the decayed

On our tumbledown roof,

Now, like a delayed traveller,

Knocking on our window pane.

Our wretched little

Is gloomy and dark.

Why do you sit all

Hugging the window, old gran?

Has the howling of the

Wearied you, at last, dear friend?

Or are you dozing

Under the spinning wheel's humming?

Let us drink, dearest

To my poor wasted youth.

Let us drink from grief - Where's the glass?

Our hearts at least will be lightened.

Sing me a song of how the

Quietly lives across the sea.

Sing me a song of how the young

Went to fetch water in the morning.

The storm wind covers the

Whirling the fleecy snow

Now it howls like a wolf,

Now it is crying, like a lost child.

Let us drink, dearest

To my poor wasted youth.

Let us drink from grief - Where's the glass?

Our hearts at least will be lightened.

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Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin

Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin was a Russian poet, playwright, and novelist of the Romantic era who is considered by many to be the greatest Russ…

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Счастьем на века ,Народно -Гражданская Россия
Да кто ж им не даёт.. но без нас!! 🤷 Бог создал людей из ничего, а дьявол пыжытся "создать" сверхчеловека, издеваясь над уже созданным Богом человечеством.. и над животными тоже, особенно над крысами и мышами..
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