2 мин

In Darkness

Must all of worth be travailled for, and those Life's brightest stars rise from a troubled sea Must years go by in sad uncertainty Leaving us doubting whose the conquering blows,

Are we or Fate the victors?

Time which shows All inner meanings will reveal, but we Shall never know the upshot.

Ours to be Wasted with longing, shattered in the throes, The agonies of splendid dreams, which day Dims from our vision, but each night brings back;

We strive to hold their grandeur, and essay To be the thing we dream.

Sudden we lack The flash of insight, life grows drear and gray, And hour follows hour, nerveless, slack.


Amy Lowell

Amy Lawrence Lowell (February 9, 1874 – May 12, 1925) was an American poet of the imagist school, which was promoting a return to classical valu…

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