2 min read

Voyages IV

Whose counted smile of hours and days, suppose I know as spectrum of the sea and pledge Vastly now parting gulf on gulf of wings Whose circles bridge,

I know, (from palms to the severe Chilled albatross's white immutability) No stream of greater love advancing now Than, singing, this mortality alone Through clay aflow immortally to you.

All fragrance irrefragably, and claim Madly meeting logically in this hour And region that is ours to wreathe again,

Portending eyes and lips and making told The chancel port and portion of our June- Shall they not stem and close in our own steps Bright staves of flowers and quills today as I Must first be lost in fatal tides to tell?

In signature of the incarnate word The harbor shoulders to resign in mingling .

Mutual blood, transpiring as foreknown And widening noon within your breast for gathering All bright insinuations that my years have caught For islands where must lead inviolably Blue latitudes and levels of your eyes,- In this expectant, still exclaim receive The secret oar and petals of all love.

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Harold Hart Crane

Harold Hart Crane (July 21, 1899 – April 27, 1932) was an American poet. Provoked and inspired by T. S. Eliot, Crane wrote modernist poetry that…

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То, что это показуха уже никто не сомневается, наркоманы не станут разбрасывать наркоту повсюду, они трясутся за каждую дозу.. это всё проплачено 100%, чтобы раскачать людей на революцию, власть на смертную казнь и т.д.. и это всё уже очевидно, но теперь они ещё оккупировали и кормушки, и запугивают людей, думаю это тоже специально, провоцируют людей и всё, расчёт, что за животных люди точно начнут впрягаться. 🤷
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