2 мин

The One Face

Fair faces come again,

As at sunsetting The Stars without number;

Or as dreams dreamed in vain To a heart forgetting Come back with slumber.

Love covered both mine eyes In a sweet twilight With his two hands folded;

Foolish to be mol wise,

In the light of thy light See as my soul did!

Love, that, seeing all,

Sweetly dost cover The eyes of thy loved ones,

Let me no more recall The dim hours over And the one face loved once!

But, having long been blind,

To behold those graces I have lot with love now,

Let me behold and find If all fair faces In the world are enough now!


Arthur Symons

Arthur William Symons (28 February 1865 – 22 January 1945), was a British poet, critic and magazine editor.

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