2 мин

In Memory Of A Child

I  The angels guide him now,  And watch his curly head,  And lead him in their games,  The little boy we led.

II  He cannot come to harm,  He knows more than we know,  His light is brighter far  Than daytime here below.

II  His path leads on and on,  Through pleasant lawns and flowers,  His brown eyes open wide  At grass more green than ours.

IV  With playmates like himself,  The shining boy will sing,  Exploring wondrous woods,  Sweet with eternal spring.

V  Yet, he is lost to us,   Far is his path of gold,   Far does the city seem,   Lonely our hearts and old.

Composition Date:1912?

The lyrical form of this poem is abcb.17.

The fifth stanza is only found in the original 1912edition.


Vachel Lindsay

Nicholas Vachel Lindsay (November 10, 1879 – December 5, 1931) was an American poet. He is considered a founder of modern singing poetry, as he …

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