1 min read

The House Of Hospitalities

Here we broached the Christmas barrel,

Pushed up the charred log-ends;

Here we sang the Christmas carol,

And called in friends.

Time has tired me since we met

When the folk now dead were young,

And the viands were outset

And quaint songs sung.

And the worm has bored the

That used to lead the tune,

Rust eaten out the

That struck night's noon.

Now no Christmas brings in neighbours,

And the New Year comes unlit;

Where we sang the mole now labours,

And spiders knit.

Yet at midnight if here walking,

When the moon sheets wall and tree,

I see forms of old time talking,

Who smile on me.

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Thomas Hardy

Thomas Hardy OM (2 June 1840 – 11 January 1928) was an English novelist and poet. A Victorian realist in the tradition of George Eliot, he was i…

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