2 мин

Bond and Free

Love has earth to which she clings  

With hills and circling arms about—  

Wall within wall to shut fear out.  

But Thought has need of no such things,  

For Thought has a pair of dauntless wings.


On snow and sand and turf, I see  

Where Love has left a printed trace  

With straining in the world’s embrace.  

And such is Love and glad to be.  

But Thought has shaken his ankles free.


Thought cleaves the interstellar gloom  

And sits in Sirius’ disc all night,  

Till day makes him retrace his flight,  

With smell of burning on every plume,  

Back past the sun to an earthly room.


His gains in heaven are what they are.  

Yet some say Love by being thrall  

And simply staying possesses all  

In several beauty that Thought fares far  

To find fused in another star. 


Robert Frost

Robert Lee Frost (March 26, 1874 – January 29, 1963) was an American poet. His work was initially published in England before it was published i…

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