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My Ancestors

A barefoot boy I went to school          To save a cobbler's fee,

For though the porridge pot was full          A frugal folk were we;

We baked our bannocks, spun our wool,          And counted each bawbee.

We reft our living from the soil,          And I was shieling bred;

My father's hands were warped with toil,          And crooked with grace he said.

My mother made the kettle boil          As spinning wheel she fed.

My granny smoked a pipe of clay,          And yammered of her youth;

The hairs upon her chin were grey,          She had a single tooth;

Her mutch was grimed,

I grieve to say,          For I would speak the truth.

You of your ancestry may boast,—          Well, here I brag of mine;

For if there is a heaven host          I hope they'll be in line:

My dad with collie at his heel          In plaid of tartan stripe;

My mammie with her spinning wheel,          My granny with her pipe.


Robert W Service

Robert William Service (January 16, 1874 – September 11, 1958) was a British-Canadian poet and writer, often called "the Bard of the Yukon".

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