2 мин

Feuilles DAutomne

Gather the leaves from the forest  And blow them over the world,

The wind of winter follows  The wind of autumn furled.

Only the beech tree cherishes  A leaf or two for ruth,

Their stems too tough for the tempest,  Like thoughts of love and of youth.

You may sit by the fire and ponder  While darkness veils the pane,

And fear that your memories are rushing away  In the wind and the rain.

But you'll find them in the quiet  When the clouds race with the moon,

Making the tender silver sound  Of a beech in the month of June.

For you cannot rob the memory  Of the leaves it loves the best;

The wind of time may harry them,  It rushes away with the rest.


Duncan Campbell Scott

Duncan Campbell Scott CMG FRSC (August 2, 1862 – December 19, 1947) was a Canadian bureaucrat, poet and prose writer. With Charles G.D. Roberts,…

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