1 min read

Spring Quiet

Gone were but the Winter,

Come were but the Spring,

I would go to a

Where the birds sing;

Where in the

Singeth a thrush,

And a robin

In the holly-bush.

Full of fresh

Are the budding

Arching high overA cool green house:

Full of sweet scents,

And whispering

Which sayeth softly:"We spread no snare;"Here dwell in safety,

Here dwell alone,

With a clear

And a mossy stone."Here the sun

Most shadily;

Here is heard an

Of the far sea,

Though far off it be."

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Christina Georgina Rossetti

Christina Georgina Rossetti (5 December 1830 – 29 December 1894) was an English poet who wrote romantic, devotional, and children's poems. "Gobl…

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