2 мин

Ah Koelue



Had you embalmed your beauty, so It could not backward go,

Or change in any way,

What were the use, if on my eyes The embalming spices were not laid To keep us fixed,

Two amorous sculptures passioned endlessly?

What were the use, if my sight grew,

And its far branches were cloud-hung,

You small at the roots, like grass,

While the new lips my spirit would kiss Were not red lips of flesh,

But the huge kiss of power?

Where yesterday soft hair through my fingers fell,

A shaggy mane would entwine,

And no slim form work fire to my thighs,

But human Life's inarticulate mass Throb the pulse of a thing Whose mountain flanks awry Beg my mastery -- mine!


I will ride the dizzy beast of the world My road -- my way!


Isaac Rosenberg

Isaac Rosenberg (25 November 1890 – 1 April 1918) was an English poet and artist. His Poems from the Trenches are recognized as some of the most…

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