2 мин

Venuss Looking-Glass

I marked where lovely Venus and her court With song and dance and merry laugh went by;

Weightless, their wingless feet seemed made to fly,

Bound from the ground and in mid air to sport.

Left far behind I heard the dolphins snort,

Tracking their goddess with a wistful eye,

Around whose head white doves rose, wheeling high Or low, and cooed after their tender sort.

All this I saw in Spring.

Through Summer heat I saw the lovely Queen of Love no more.

But when flushed Autumn through the woodlands went I spied sweet Venus walk amid the wheat:

Whom seeing, every harvester gave o'er His toil, and laughed and hoped and was content.


Christina Georgina Rossetti

Christina Georgina Rossetti (5 December 1830 – 29 December 1894) was an English poet who wrote romantic, devotional, and children's poems. "Gobl…

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