2 min read

Three Pictures

I have seen many things in many lands,

And many sorrows known and many joys,

And clutched at pleasure's cup with lawless hands,

And drunk my fill of mirth and lust and noise,

Nor spared to make of human hearts my toys,

But fed with life the brute strength of my pride,

As with a tribute of fair living boys The monstrous lord of Crete him satisfied. --But of all pictures laid up in my soul Are three most beautiful and passionate,

The illumined margin of an ancient scroll,

Which moraliseth pity, love and hate;

And these, when she is sad, she doth unroll And on their common meaning meditate.

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Wilfrid Scawen Blunt

Wilfrid Scawen Blunt (17 August 1840[1] – 10 September 1922[2]), sometimes spelled Wilfred, was an English poet and writer. He and his wife, Lad…

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