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The Circus

Hey, there!  Hoop-la! the circus is in town!

Have you seen the elephant?  Have you seen the clown?

Have you seen the dappled horse gallop round the ring?

Have you seen the acrobats on the dizzy swing?

Have you seen the tumbling men tumble up and down?

Hoop-la!  Hoop-la! the circus is in town!

Hey, there!  Hoop-la!  Here's the circus troupe!

Here's the educated, dog jumping through the hoop.

See the lady Blondin with the parasol and fan,

The lad upon the ladder and the india-rubber man.

See the joyful juggler and the boy who loops the loop.

Hey!  Hey!  Hey!  Hey!  Here's the circus troupe!


C J Dennis

Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis, better known as C. J. Dennis, (7 September 1876 – 22 June 1938) was an Australian poet known for his h…

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