8 min read

King David

David sang to his hook-nosed harp:"The Lord God is a jealous God!

His violent vengeance is swift and sharp!

And the Lord is King above all gods!"Blest be the Lord, through years untold,

The Lord Who has blessed me a thousand fold!"Cattle and concubines, corn and

Enough to last me a dozen lives."Plump, good women with noses flat,

Marrowful blessings, weighty and fat."I wax in His peace like a pious gourd,

The Lord God is a pleasant God,

Break mine enemy's jaw,

O Lord!

For the Lord is King above all gods!"His hand dropped slack from the tunable strings,

A sorrow came on him—a sorrow of kings.

A sorrow sat on the arm of his throne,

An eagle sorrow with claws of stone."I am merry, yes, when I am not thinking,

But life is nothing but eating and drinking."I can shape my psalms like daggers of jade,

But they do not shine like the first I made."I can harry the heathen from North to South,

But no hot taste comes into my mouth."My wives are comely as long-haired goats,

But I would not care if they cut their throats!"Where are the maids of the desert

With lips like flagons of frankincense?"Where is Jonathan?

Where is Saul?

The captain-towers of Zion wall?"The trees of cedar, the hills of Nod,

The kings, the running lions of God?"Their words were a writing in golden dust,

Their names are myrrh in the mouths of the just."The sword of the slayer could never divide them-Would God I had died in battle beside them!"The Lord looked down from a thunder-clap.(The Lord God is a crafty God.)He heard the strings of the shrewd harp snap.(The Lord Who is King above all gods.)He pricked the king with an airy thorn,

It burnt in his body like grapes of scorn.

The eyelids roused that had drooped like lead.

David lifted his heavy head.

The thorn stung at him, a fiery bee,"The world is wide.

I will go and

From the roof of my haughty palace," said

Bathsheba bathed on her vine-decked roof.(The Lord God is a mighty God.)Her body glittered like mail of proof.(And the Lord is King above all gods.)Her body shimmered, tender and

As the flesh of aloes in candlelight.

King David forgot to be old or wise.

He spied on her bathing with sultry eyes.

A breath of spice came into his nose.

He said, "Her breasts are like two young roes."His eyes were bright with a crafty gleam.

He thought, "Her body is soft as cream."He straightened himself like an unbent

And called a servant and bade him

Uriah the Hittite came to his lord,

Dusty with war as a well-used sword.

A close, trim man like a belt, well-buckled;

A jealous gentleman, hard to cuckold.

David entreated him, soft and bland,

Offered him comfits from his own hand.

Drank with him deep till his eyes grew red,

And laughed in his beard as he went to bed.

The days slipped by without hurry or strife,

Like apple-parings under a knife,

And still Uriah kept from his wife.

Lean fear tittered through David's psalm,"This merry husband is far too calm."David sent for Uriah then,

They greeted each other like pious men."Thou hast borne the battle, the dust and the heat.

Go down to thy house and wash thy feet!"Uriah frowned at the words of the king.

His brisk, hard voice had a leaden ring."While the hosts of God still camp in the

My house to me is a garden sealed."How shall I rest while the arrow yet flies?

The dust of the war is still in my eyes."David spoke with his lion's roar:"If Peace be a bridle that rubs you sore,

You shall fill your belly with blood and war!"Uriah departed, calling him kind.

His eyes were serpents in David's mind.

He summoned a captain, a pliable man,"Uriah the Hittite shall lead the van."In the next assault, when the fight roars high,

And the Lord God is a hostile God,

Retire from Uriah that he may die.

For the Lord is King above all

The messenger came while King David

The friskiest ditty ever made. "News,

O King, from our dubious war!

The Lord of Hosts hath prevailed once more!"His foes are scattered like chirping sparrows,

Their kings lie breathless, feathered with arrows."Many are dead of your captains tall.

Uriah the Hittite was first to fall."David turned from the frolicsome

And rent his clothes for the death of kings.

Yet, as he rent them, he smiled for joy.

The sly, wide smile of a wicked boy."The powerful grace of the Lord prevails!

He has cracked Uriah between His nails!"His blessings are mighty, they shall not cease.

And my days henceforth shall be days of peace!"His mind grew tranquil, smoother than fleece.

He rubbed his body with scented grease.

And his days thenceforward were days of peace.

His days were fair as the flowering lime—For a little time, for a little time.

And Bathsheba lay in his breast like a dove,

A vessel of amber, made for

When Bathsheba was great with child,(The Lord God is a jealous God!)Portly and meek as a moon grown mild,(The Lord is King above all gods!)Nathan, the prophet, wry and dying,

Preached to the king like a locust crying:"Hearken awhile to a doleful thing!

There were two men in thy land,

O King!"One was rich as a gilded ram.

One had one treasure, a poor ewe-lamb."Rich man wasted his wealth like spittle.

Poor man shared with his lamb spare victual."A traveler came to the rich man's door.'Give me to eat, for I hunger sore!'"Rich man feasted him fatly, true,

But the meat that he gave him was fiend's meat, too,

Stolen and roasted, the poor man's ewe!"Hearken, my lord, to a deadly thing!

What shall be done with these men,

O King?"David hearkened, seeing it plain,

His heart grew heavy with angry pain:"Show me the rich man that he be slain!"Nathan barked as a jackal can."Just,

O King!

And thou art the man!"David rose as the thunders

When someone in Heaven is telling lies.

But his eyes were weaker than Nathan's eyes.

His huge bulk shivered like quaking sod,

Shoulders bowing to Nathan's rod,

Nathan, the bitter apple of God.

His great voice shook like a runner's, spent,"My sin has found me!


I repent!"Answered Nathan, that talkative Jew:"For many great services, comely and true,

The Lord of Mercy will pardon you."But the child in Bathsheba, come of your seed,

Shall sicken and die like a blasted weed."David groaned when he heard him speak.

The painful tears ran hot on his cheek.

Ashes he cast on his kingly locks.

All night long he lay on the rocks.

Beseeching his Lord with a howling cry:"O Lord God,

O my jealous God,

Be kind to the child that it may not die,

For Thou art King above all

Seven long nights he lay there, howling,

A lion wounded, moaning and growling.

Seven long midnights, sorrowing greatly,

While Sin, like a dead man, embraced him straitly.

Till he was abased from his lust and

And the child was born and sickened and died.

He arose at last.

It was ruddy Day.

And his sin like water had washed away.

He cleansed and anointed, took fresh apparel,

And worshiped the Lord in a tuneful carol.

His servants, bearing the child to bury,

Marveled greatly to see him so merry.

He spoke to them mildly as mid-May weather:"The child and my sin are perished together."He is dead, my son.

Though his whole soul yearn to me,

I must go to him, he may not return to me."Why should I sorrow for what was pain?

A cherished grief is an iron chain."He took up his harp, the sage old chief.

His heart felt clean as a new green leaf.

His soul smelt pleasant as rain-wet clover."I have sinned and repented and that's all over."In his dealings with heathen, the Lord is hard.

But the humble soul is his spikenard."His wise thoughts fluttered like doves in the air."I wonder is Bathsheba still so fair?"Does she weep for the child that our sin made perish?

I must comfort my ewe-lamb, comfort and cherish."The justice of God is honey and balm.

I will soothe her heart with a little psalm."He went to her chamber, no longer sad,

Walking as light as a shepherd lad.

He found her weeping, her garments rent,

Trodden like straw by God's punishment.

He solaced her out of his great content.

Being but woman, a while she grieved,

But at last she was comforted, and conceived.

Nine months later she bore him a son.(The Lord God is a mighty God!)The name of that child was


He was God's tough staff till Tiis days were run!(And the Lord is King above all gods!)

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Stephen Vincent Benet

Stephen Vincent Benet (July 22, 1898 – March 13, 1943) was an American poet, short story writer, and novelist. He is best known for his book-len…

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