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Part 4 of Trout Fishing in America





This is the autopsy of Trout Fishing in America as if

Fishing in America had been Lord Byron and had died


Greece, and afterward never saw the shoresof Idaho again, never saw Carrie Creek,



Paradise Creek,

Salt Creek and Duck Lake again.

The Autopsy of Trout Fishing in America:  "The body was in excellent state and appeared as one thathad died suddenly of asphyxiation.

The bony cranial vaultwas opened and the bones of the cranium were found veryhard without any traces of the sutures like the bones of aperson 80 years, so much so that one would have said thatthe cranium was formed by one solitary bone. . . .

Themeninges were attached to the internal walls of the craniumso firmly that while sawing the bone around the interior todetach the bone from the dura the strength of two robust menwas not sufficient. . . .

The cerebrum with cerebellumweighed about six medical pounds.

The kidneys were verylarge but healthy and the urinary bladder was relativelysmall. "  On May 2, 1824, the body of Trout Fishing in Americaleft Missolonghi by ship destined to arrive in England on theevening of June 29, 1824.  Trout Fishing in America's body was preserved in a caskholding one hundred-eighty gallons of spirits: 0, a long wayfrom Idaho, a long way from Stanley Basin,


Lake, the Big Lost River and from Lake Josephus and

Big Wood River.


Richard Brautigan

Richard Gary Brautigan (January 30, 1935 – ca. September 16, 1984) was an American novelist, poet, and short story writer. His work often clinic…

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