1 мин

The Music of your Voice

A vase upon the mantelpiece,   A ship upon the sea,

A goat upon a mountain-top   Are much the same to me;

But when you mention melon jam,   Or picnics by the creek,

Or apple pies, or pantomimes,   I love to hear you speak.

The date of Magna Carta or   The doings of the Dutch,

Or capes, or towns, or verbs, or nouns   Do not excite me much;

But when you mention motor rides -   Down by the sea for

Or chasing games, or chocolates,   I love to hear your voice.


C J Dennis

Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis, better known as C. J. Dennis, (7 September 1876 – 22 June 1938) was an Australian poet known for his h…

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