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Ode To The Philistines

In an age of Mammon and Greed,                In an age of Humbug and Cant,            Where Speech is greater than Deed                In the reign of the sycophant,

Let us turn from the shameless lips that babble of things Divine,

And shout to the God we know not the Song of the Philistine!             All hail, as you gather and pass                From the mansion and counting-house,            Men with a front of brass;                Men with the soul of a mouse;

Men with the mark of the beast scored as deep on your brows

As erst on the brows that quailed ’neath the scourge of the Nazarene.             Six days shalt thou swindle and lie!                On the seventh—tho’ it soundeth odd—            In the odour of sanctity                Thou shalt offer the Lord, thy God,

A threepenny bit, a doze, a start, and an unctuous smile,

And a hurried prayer to prosper another six days of guile.             You have judged by the rich man’s rule!                You have treated your thinkers as dust!            You have honoured the braggart and fool                Whilst Genius has starved on a crust!

For all that you ask to fit what you call “a man” for a

Is a shallow heart, a noisy tongue, thick hide, and a brazen face.             You have sold your daughters for gold!                You have sold your honour for naught!            And your creed is easily told—                “All things can be offered and bought!”And you thank the good Lord God in your pews, on your bended knees,

That you live in a cultured age—and do cultured things like these!             In an age too enlightened and good                To call any wrong by its name,            Millions are crying for food,                Millions are living in shame,

Millions of human hearts, as God knows if he sees and feels,

Lie bound by the System’s chains ’neath the crunch of the System’s wheels!             You are slaves to custom and vogue!                You are timid to speak or to move!            You have worshipped the monied rogue!                You are walled in your narrow groove!

And the men with the noblest hearts, who have aimed at the Highest Good,

You have trampled them under your feet—unheard and misunderstood!             For the spirit of old remains                That nailed the Christ to the tree;            That brought Galileo to chains                And Bruno to tragedy.

For the Philistine altereth not—unchanged since the world

He has hindered the march of progress and murdered the thinking man.             Take heed in your sordid pride!                Take heed in your purse-born ease!            For far o’er the world and wide                Grows something greater than these,

And the throb of the vexed world’s heart no system shall cramp in thrall,

Till the joy and sorrow of each be the joy and sorrow of all.             Lo, whoever shall stand and fight                With the tongue, or the brain, or the pen,            For a larger measure of Right                For the mass of his fellow men,

He is nearer the unknown God than the chiefs of a priestly line,

His life is a deeper prayer than the cant of the Philistine.

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George Essex Evans

George Essex Evans (18 June 1863 – 10 November 1909) was an Australian poet.

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