1 min read

These Little Songs

These little Songs,

Found here and there,

Floating in air By forest and lea,

Or hill-side heather,

In houses and throngs,

Or down by the sea - Have come together,


I can't tell:

But I know full well No witty goose-wing On an inkstand begot 'em;

Remember each place And moment of grace,

In summer or spring,

Winter or autumn By sun, moon, stars,

Or a coal in the bars,

In market or church,

Graveyard or dance,

When they came without search,

Were found as by chance.

A word, a line,

You may say are mine;

But the best in the songs,

Whatever it be,

To you, and to me,

And to no one belongs

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William Allingham

William Allingham (19 March 1824 – 18 November 1889) was an Irish poet, diarist and editor. He wrote several volumes of lyric verse, and his poe…

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