2 min read

To Laura


Laura, cease, suspect no

This careless heart has learnt to love,

Because on yonder lonely shoreI still at pensive evening rove;

Because of Henry's worth I

With eager warmth and sparkling eye;

Because his favourite haunts I seek,

And still o'erjoyed to meet him fly:….


Laura, should my faltering

Refuse to speak in Henry's praise,

My trembling voice deny the

When Henry claims his favourite lays;

When Henry comes, should I

With smiles the welcome youth to seek,

But meet him full of cold respect,

While conscious blushes paint my cheek;

Should I, when Ella shares his praise,

Heave deeply-drawn but smothered sighs,

And, when on me he deigns to gaze,

Fix on the earth my conscious eyes;….


I'll no more thy charge deny,

No more thy tender fears reprove:


Laura, heave compassion's sigh,

For mine will be the sigh of love.

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Amelia Opie

Amelia Opie, née Alderson (12 November 1769 – 2 December 1853), was an English author who published numerous novels in the Romantic period up to…

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