1 min read


Lilacs blossom just as

Now my heart is shattered.

If I bowled it down the street,

Who's to say it mattered?

If there's one that rode

What would I be missing?

Lips that taste of tears, they say,

Are the best for kissing.

Eyes that watch the morning

Seem a little brighter;

Arms held out to darkness

Usually whiter.

Shall I bar the strolling guest,

Bind my brow with willow,

When, they say, the empty

Is the softer pillow?

That a heart falls tinkling down,

Never think it ceases.

Every likely lad in

Gathers up the pieces.

If there's one gone whistling

Would I let it grieve me?

Let him wonder if I lie;

Let him half believe me.

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Dorothy Parker

Dorothy Parker (née Rothschild; August 22, 1893 – June 7, 1967) was an American poet, writer, critic, and satirist based in New York; she was be…

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