1 min read

Promise Of Peace

The heads of strong old age are

Beyond all grace of youth.

They have strange quiet,

Integrity, health, soundness, to the

They've dealt with life and been tempered by it.

A young man must not sleep; his years are war,

Civil and foreign but the former's worse;

But the old can breathe in safety now that they

Forgetting what youth meant, the being perverse,

Running the fool's gauntlet and being

By the whips of the five senses.

As for me,

If I should wish to live long it were

To trade those fevers for tranquillity,

Thinking though that's entire and sweet in the

How shall the dead taste the deep treasure they have?

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Robinson Jeffers

John Robinson Jeffers (January 10, 1887 – January 20, 1962) was an American poet, known for his work about the central California coast. Much of…

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