2 мин


Duggard, the chief of hutsgalor decided to fight .

"I finish with my head on the floor" 

Foolishly said he.

That morning the orange sun shone bright

On he and his followers.

His cunning plan fell upon ears 

And everyone agreed

To put their enemy in tears.

The next day in the wee hours of the morning.

Duggard led his men into battle. 

Upon that fateful morn

Many fell at his hand.

But he had been warned.

But chief Duggard fought.

"As long as breath dwell in thy body

I shall fight to victory"

His words were true and he fought.

Until unto his doorstep,

 Death were brought.

A silver bullet put him down, 

And now his men sing a mournful song.

They retreated with their hearts so bitter

They vowed never to go to war again.

                                                                                   ARSHAD MOHAMMED

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