1 min read


That land full surely hastens to its

Where public sycophants in homage

The populace to flatter, and

The doubled echoes of its loud conceit.

Lowly their attitude but high their aim,

They creep to eminence through paths of shame,

Till, fixed securely in the seats of pow'r,

The dupes they flattered they at last devour.

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Ambrose Bierce

Ambrose Gwinnett Bierce (June 24, 1842– circa 1914) was an American short story writer, journalist, poet, and Civil War veteran. His book The De…

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Ещё раз специально для Голливуда.. это природное явление! Или они не замечают специально сильный ветер, который до сих пор дует сильнее и дольше, чем обычно.. 🤷
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