3 min read

May Banners

In the bright lime-tree

Dies a fainting mort.

But lively

Flutters among the currant bushes.

So that our bloods may laugh in our veins,

See the vines tangling themselves.

The sky is as pretty as an angel,

The azure and the wave commune.

I go out.

If a sunbeam wounds meI shall succumb on the moss.

Being patient and being

Are too simple.

To the devil with my cares.

I want dramatic

To bind me to its chariot of fortune.

Let me most because of you, o Nature, -Ah ! less alone and less useless ! - die.

There where the Shepherds, it's strange,

Die more or less because of the world.

I am willing that the seasons should wear me out.

To you,


I surrender ;

With my hunger and all my thirst.

And, if it please you, feed and water me.

Nothing, nothing at all deceives me ;

To laugh at the sun is to laugh at one's parents,

But I do not wish to laugh at anything ;

And may this misfortune go free.~~ May Banners (alternative translation)In the bright branches of the lindens dies a sickly hunting call.

But the lively songs fly about in the currant bushes.

So that our blood will laugh in our veins, here are the vines all entangled.

The sky is pretty as an angel.

The azure and the wave commune.

I go out.

If a ray of light wounds me,

I will expire on the

To be patient and to be bored are to simple.

Fie* on my cares.

I want a dramatic summer to bind me to it's chariot of fortune.

Let me, o nature, mostly through you- Ah ! less alone and less worthless ! - die.

In the place where the shepherds, it is strange,die approximately through out the worldI am willing that the seasons wear me out.

To you nature,

I give myself over;

And my hunger and all my thirst.

And, if you will, feed and water me.

Nothing at all deceives me;

To laugh at the sun is to laugh at one's parents,but I do not want to laugh at anything;

And may this misfortune be free.

A second translation (uncredited) has been added for ease of understanding the poets thoughts.

Fie *1.(used to express mild disgust, disapprobation, annoyance, etc.)2.(used to express the humorous pretense of being shocked.)

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Arthur Rimbaud

Jean Nicolas Arthur Rimbaud (20 October 1854 – 10 November 1891) was a French poet known for his influence on modern literature and arts, prefig…

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