2 мин

Letter From Under The Sea

If you are my friend...

Help leave

Or if you are my lover...

Help I can be healed of you...

If I the ocean is very deep...

I would not have swam...

If I I would end,

I would not have beganI desire teach me not to desireteach to cut the roots of your love from the depthsteach tears may die in the eyesand love may commit

If you are prophet,

Cleanse me from this

Deliver me from this atheism...

Your love is like purify me from this

If you are strong...

Rescue me from this

For I don't know how to

The blue your eyesdrag the ...nothing but the color blueand I have no experiencein no boat...

If I am dear to youthen take my

For I am filled with myhead to my feetI am breathing under water!

I am drowning...drowning...drowning...


Nizar Qabbani

Nizar Tawfiq Qabbani (21 March 1923 – 30 April 1998) was a Syrian diplomat, poet, writer and publisher. His poetic style combines simplicity and…

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