2 min read

In Order To

Apply for the position (I've forgotten now for what) I had to marry the Second Mayor's daughter by twelve noon.

The order arrived three minutes of.

I already had a wife; the Second Mayor was childless: but I did it.

Next they told me to shave off my father's beard.

All right.

No matter that he'd been a eunuch, and had succumbed in early childhood:

I did it,

I shaved him.

Then they told me to burn a village; next, a fair-sized town; then, a city; a bigger city; a small, down-at-heels country; then one of "the great powers"; then another (another, an- other)—In fact, they went right on until they'd told me to burn up every man-made thing on the face of the earth!

And I did it,

I burned away every last trace,

I left nothing, nothing of any kind whatever.

Then they told me to blow it all to hell and gone!

And I blew it all to hell and gone (oh, didn't I). . .

Now, they said, put it back together again; put it all back the way it was when you started.

Well. . . it was my turn then to tell them something!


I didn't want any job that bad.

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Kenneth Patchen

Kenneth Patchen (December 13, 1911 – January 8, 1972) was an American poet and novelist. He experimented with different forms of writing and inc…

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