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The Pilgrimage

I travell'd on, seeing the hill, where lay                    My expectation.      A long it was and weary way:      The gloomy cave of DesperationI left on th' one, and on the other side                    The Rock of Pride.

And so I came to Phansies medow strow'd                    With many a flower:      Fain would I here have made abode,      But I was quicken'd by my houre.

So to Care's cops I came, and there got through                    With much ado.

That led me to the wilde of Passion; which                     Some call the wold;      A wasted place, but sometimes rich.      Here I was robb'd of all my gold,

Save one good Angell, which a friend had tied                     Close to my side.

At length I got unto the gladsome hill,                    Where lay my hope,      Where lay my heart; and climbing still,      When I had gain'd the brow and top,

A lake of brackish waters on the ground                     Was all I found.

With that abash'd and struck with many a sting                    Of swarming fears,      I fell, and cry'd,

Alas, my King;      Can both the way and end be tears?

Yet taking heart I rose, and then perceiv'd                    I was deceiv'd:

My hill was further: so I flung away,                    Yet heard a crie      Just as I went,

None goes that way      And lives:

If that be all, said I,

After so foul a journey death is fair,                    And but a chair.(line 17:

Save one good Angell...):

An English gold coin issued from 1470 to 1634, varying in value from 6s. 8d. to 10s. and bearing on its obverse a figure of the archangel Michael killing a dragon.

The "Angell" replaced the 'ryal', or Rose Noble, which was first issued by Edward IV.


George Herbert

George Herbert (3 April 1593 – 1 March 1633)[1] was a Welsh-born poet, orator, and priest of the Church of England. His poetry is associated wit…

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