Unrealistic Thinking

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Invest in yourself. Everything comes after you. We here this like every day.

What exactly mean by it?

It is a big question for ourselves. It like seeing a mirror & saying ourselves. You are important. Something we do often in our hard times but what about our daily life.

Every day is new day. A day we live with desires to achieve something or hope for things might get better tomorrow, let’s work hard to make our future better & lot more.

It like an everyday life of person. Who want to live because he or she born & eventually die one day. While telling yourself to live as much as you can because you are alive.

I was when I told myself my top priority is me & next moment & I was worried about my career because of change in company.

Is it what I truly mean I am a priority & other thing comes after me.

it not like I was wrong. It’s a basic nature of human to be going after what is essential for their survival. The essential is different for every person. Basic need of human is food, cloth, shelter. This three thing can be buy in this world by money.

So, is money more important than me. No, one can deny the importance of money.

Same goes to me. I can’t deny the importance of money in my life but at a same time I can’t put money above & beyond of my own life because with the money I can’t buy my life.

What is life a bigger & brighter question arises in our minds.

In simple words, life includes your body & soul. Brain & heart part of body. It also includes your sensory organs. Body is a materialistic object & soul is non- materialistic or spiritual being. Body & soul are a like a part of two magnets plus (+) & Minus (-). Together they can create a magnetic zone.

It is like creating a zone with a certain type of frequency. This magnetic zone connects a person to the universe.