2 мин

In November 1

The leafless forests slowly yield     To the thick-driving snow.

A little while    And night shall darken down.

In shouting file  The woodmen's carts go by me homeward-wheeled,  Past the thin fading stubbles, half concealed,    Now golden-gray, sowed softly through with snow,    Where the last ploughman follows still his row,  Turning black furrows through the whitening field.  Far off the village lamps begin to gleam,    Fast drives the snow, and no man comes this way;      The hills grow wintry white, and bleak winds moan      About the naked uplands.

I alone    Am neither sad, nor shelterless, nor gray,  Wrapped round with thought, content to watch and dream.

Composition date is unknown - the above date represents the first publication date.

Form: Sonnet: abbaaccadeffed Title:

Retitled "Late November" by Scott in 1925 to avoid duplicating the title of another poem.


Lampman's original wish can be respected if the two poems are distinguished by numbering them.1.leafless: reads "far-off" (in Klinck)


Archibald Lampman

Archibald Lampman (17 November 1861 – 10 February 1899) was a Canadian poet. "He has been described as 'the Canadian Keats;' and he is perhaps t…

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