2 мин

Everyone can travel

Everyone can travel - living, life, travel, travelling

You live your life like it's eternal

Your everyday is just the same

You saw some pictures in your journal

That makes your heart and soul inflame

You wanna be in lots of places

Inside and out cruise the world

See other people's different faces

See other towns you've been told

There're so many views out there

Go and check them on your own

You can find them anywhere

New-York, Prague, Rome, Stockholm

Everyone can travel, honey

Yes, I'm serious, you too

Simple rule - don't waste your money

Save them for your summer tour

World is bigger than your house

And your life is not so long

Go get internet to browse

Find some place where you belong


Олег Пальшин

Родился в Ярославле. Интересуюсь ИТ-технологиями и творчеством. Делаю настольные игры, пишу статьи на своём сайте - meliorem.ru, сочиняю стихи.

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