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Ah Silly Pug Wert Thou So Sore Afraid

Ah, silly Pug, wert thou so sore afraid?

Mourn not, my Wat, nor be thou so dismayed.

It passeth fickle Fortune’s power and skill To force my heart to think thee any ill.

No Fortune base, thou sayest, shall alter thee?

And may so blind a witch so conquer me?

No, no, my Pug, though Fortune were not blind,

Assure thyself she could not rule my mind.


I know, sometimes doth conquer kings,

And rules and reigns on earth and earthly things,

But never think Fortune can bear the sway If virtue watch, and will her not obey.

Ne chose I thee by fickle Fortune’s rede,

Ne she shall force me alter with such speed But if to try this mistress’ jest with thee.

Pull up thy heart, suppress thy brackish tears,

Torment thee not, but put away thy fears.

Dead to all joys and living unto woe,

Slain quite by her that ne’er gave wise men blow,

Revive again and live without all dread,

The less afraid, the better thou shalt speed.


Queen Elizabeth I

Elizabeth I (7 September 1533 – 24 March 1603)[ was Queen of England and Ireland from 17 November 1558 until her death on 24 March 1603. Sometim…

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