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My Childhoods Home


VE tasted each varied pleasure,    And drunk of the cup of delight;

I have danced to the gayest measure    In the halls of dazzling light.

I have dwelt in a blaze of splendour,    And stood in the courts of kings;

I have snatched at each toy that could render    More rapid the flight of Time's wings.

But vainly I've sought for joy or peace,    In that life of light and shade;

And I turn with a sigh to my own dear home—    The home where my childhood played!

When jewels are sparkling round me,    And dazzling with their rays,

I weep for the ties that bound me    In life's first early days.

I sigh for one of the sunny hours    Ere day was turned to-night;

For one of my nosegays of fresh wild flowers,    Instead of those jewels bright.

I weep when I gaze on the scentless buds    Which never can bloom or fade;

And I turn with a sigh to those gay green fields—    The home where my childhood played.


Caroline Elizabeth Sarah Norton

Caroline Elizabeth Sarah Norton, Lady Stirling-Maxwell (née Sheridan; 22 March 1808 – 15 June 1877) was an English social reformer and author ac…

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