1 мин

Psalm 23

The Lord, the Lord, my Shepherd is,

And so can never

Taste misery:

He rests me in green pastures His:

By waters still and sweet,

He guides my feet.

He me revives; leads me the

Which righteousness doth take,

For his name's sake:

Yea, though I should through valleys

Of death's dark shade,


No whit fear ill.

For Thou, dear Lord,

Thou me

Thy rod and thy staff

To comfort me:

Before me Thou a table settest,

Even when foe's envious

Doth it espy.

Thou oilst my head,

Thou fillest my cup;

Nay more,

Thou endless good,

Shalt give me food.

To Thee,

I say, ascended up,

Where Thou, the Lord of all,

Dost hold thy hall.


Sir Philip Sidney

Sir Philip Sidney (30 November 1554 – 17 October 1586) was an English poet, courtier, scholar and soldier who is remembered as one of the most p…

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