1 мин


Down stucco sidestreets,

Where light is

And afternoon

Brings lights on in

Above race-guides and rosaries,

A funeral passes.

The hearse is ahead,

But after there followsA troop of

In wide flowered hats,

Leg-of-mutton sleeves,

And ankle-length dresses.

There is an air of great friendliness,

As if they were

One they were fond of;

Some caper a few steps,

Skirts held skilfully(Someone claps time),

And of great sadness also.

As they wend awayA voice is heard

Of Kitty, or Katy,

As if the name meant

All love, all beauty.


Philip Larkin

Philip Arthur Larkin (9 August 1922 – 2 December 1985) was an English poet, novelist, and librarian. His first book of poetry, The North Ship, w…

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