2 мин

In The Summer Time Feeling So Fine

In The Summer Time Feeling So Fine - summer, midsummer, love, lover, lovers

In The Summer Time Feeling So Fine

In the summer time

Oh I'm feeling so fine

I'm drinking my wine

In the summer time

She's looking so fine

In the summer time

I'm in love all the time

And the sun shining so

Bright in the summer time

We're having so much fun

In the summer time

We're feeling so fine

I'm feeling her warmth of her

Touch every time she touches

Me I love her so much

Oh how I love the summer

Time so much,

Falling in love singing all day

As happy as a bird can be

Happily in the summer time Together In love we shall be

And long may it last

Because I'll be forever in love

With her dancing all day laughing all night in the summer time feeling so fine..

© 2020 David P Carroll Poems..


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